Sunday, May 15, 2011

If You Want Something, Let It Go

My 1-year-old LOVES his yogurt. Sometimes I let him grab one out of the fridge. I get him all set up in his highchair while he happily turns the little plastic cup of goodness over and over in his hands, anticipating that creamy euphoria to come. But he has a hard time handing it over to me so I can open it and feed it to him. He pulls it away from me, hides it under the tray, and then gets mad at me because he wants it so badly. "Just hand it over! I'll open it and feed it to you! Look, here's the spoon!" Still, he holds onto it fiercely.

Sometimes I think Heavenly Father has that problem with us. There are things in our lives that we want so desperately, but unless we hand it over to God and let him be the one to administer the blessings, we just can't get anything out of it. Sometimes we get mad at him and blame him for things not working out, when in reality, we are the ones holding ourselves back by not surrendering our will to a higher, wiser power.


  1. I love your blog, Rachel! You are so wise. Sometimes I think you must be the big sister.

  2. Awesome! And true...which makes it awesome.

  3. Thought-provoking post & darling picture to go along with it! Don't you love how often mothering can teach us the deeper truths of life?!?!
